LED Laser Light Therapy
As we grow older, the cells that manufacture the skin’s supportive structures begin to slow down. Environmental damage from the sun’s rays speed up this process and produce free radicals that damage the skin and the cells that produce collagen and elastin. Combination light therapy targets specific cells which are responsible for the synthesis and repair of the skin’s supportive structures, leading to a softening of fine lines and improved skin tone.
BLUE - reduces sebaceous activity, breakouts and kills acne causing bacteria
GREEN - anti-inflammatory action to reduce swelling and strengthen capillaries
YELLOW - increases skin hydration, thickness and delivers redness reduction
RED - encourages circulation and collagen production for age management
NEAR INFRARED - boosts ATP for deep cellular regeneration and wound healing
Includes a cleanse and moisturise. The treatment will go for 30 minutes in total, 20 minutes under the light.
Multipack option available.
As we grow older, the cells that manufacture the skin’s supportive structures begin to slow down. Environmental damage from the sun’s rays speed up this process and produce free radicals that damage the skin and the cells that produce collagen and elastin. Combination light therapy targets specific cells which are responsible for the synthesis and repair of the skin’s supportive structures, leading to a softening of fine lines and improved skin tone.
BLUE - reduces sebaceous activity, breakouts and kills acne causing bacteria
GREEN - anti-inflammatory action to reduce swelling and strengthen capillaries
YELLOW - increases skin hydration, thickness and delivers redness reduction
RED - encourages circulation and collagen production for age management
NEAR INFRARED - boosts ATP for deep cellular regeneration and wound healing
Includes a cleanse and moisturise. The treatment will go for 30 minutes in total, 20 minutes under the light.
Multipack option available.
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